Chronic medical conditions and the pain associated with them present as much of a problem for pets as they do people. Always striving to use the latest in veterinary technology and treatment options, Gray Animal Hospital has several pain management options available to relieve your dog or cat’s pain and discomfort. Using some of the most recent advances in canine medication and quality hospice care for pets entering their final days, we provide comprehensive pet pain management services for Zion and all surrounding areas.

A Better Way to Manage Arthritis in Your Dog
As your pup grows into their senior years, it’s likely they may experience bone and joint pain from arthritis. According to Elanco, the makers of injections shown to block degenerative enzymes in joints, canine arthritis is one of the most common sources of pain in dogs. If you notice your loyal animal companion struggles with stairs, or it takes them longer to move around, they may be suffering from arthritis pain.
The Adequan injections we use at Gray Animal Hospital are the only FDA approved medication used to clinically reduce joint damage from osteoarthritis. This powerful pet pain management tool is capable of showing results in as little as a month. In order to see optimal improvement, please bring your pain in for injections as prescribed. Depending on your pet’s severity of pain, we may ask you to bring them in biweekly up to eight times. Please ask us for more information or about our convenient house calls.
Extending Their Quality of Life
Hospice and palliative care for pets affected by serious diseases is a trying time. At Gray Animal Hospital, we hope to provide pet pain management, compassionate, understanding service. We have many tools available to help us do this, and we work to provide individualized care on a case-by-case basis. Hospice care may not be for every patient. We’ll closely advise you on your pet’s recommended course of treatment. We offer house calls to provide our services in the comfort of home. Please contact us for more information and with any questions. We want only the best for pets and their people.
Providing Drug-Free Relief with Laser Therapy
Pets can suffer from chronic conditions or need healing relief after surgery, but medication may not be the best option. Our Companion therapy laser can act as a safe, drug-free alternative to medication. Providing fast, non-invasive pain relief, pet laser therapy relieves a range of medical concerns. The most common include arthritis, post-operative incisions, and inflammatory conditions like ear infections. By using different wavelengths of light to deeply penetrate into your pet’s skin tissue, laser therapy stimulates cellular regeneration.
The resulting effect is therapeutic for pets because endorphins are released and damaged tissue is stimulated. Therapy sessions are generally short in length, lasting between three and 20 minutes long, depending on the type of pet you have and the condition we’re treating. Please ask us how often you should bring your pet in. Since laser therapy is so soothing and relaxing for pets, they may end up looking forward to therapy time! Contact us for more information!