Have you noticed pet dermatology issues? Does your dog’s skin becomes red and irritated looking after spending time outdoors? Maybe you have trouble controlling your cat’s dander. If only you could bath them in head and shoulders to eliminate snowflakes from falling after you pet and snuggle them.
Fortunately, there’s a better way to soothe your pet’s skin; We can run laboratory testing to diagnose and treat possible fungal or bacterial infections along with making dietary recommendations for allergies. Our comprehensive allergy treatments for dogs and cats in Zion and surrounding areas will have your pet’s hair, skin, and nails lustrous in no time.
Ready to talk with a vet about your cat or dog’s allergies? Call us at (224) 304-0668 or book an appointment using our online form!
A Multidimensional Approach to Treating Pet Allergies
Like allergies in humans, dogs and cats can experience many types of allergies. They can have seasonal-type allergies to mold, grass, trees, and pollen, but they can also experience environmental and flea allergies. Unlike humans though, the principal way pets exhibit allergies is through their skin. Because pet allergies can develop from many different sources, we take a multidimensional approach to treating them at Gray Animal Hospital. Some of the ways we treat allergies:
- We’ll examine your pet for fleas and recommend medication, since their bites and the dander they produce are often to blame for skin allergies.
- We’ll take skin scraping samples and examine them in our in-house laboratory to determine whether bacterial or yeast infections are the culprit.
- If we suspect seasonal allergies, we may recommend anti-histamines, which can be highly effective.
- We’ll make hypoallergenic dietary recommendations if we suspect food allergies in your pet.

Call Us if You Suspect Your Dog or Cat has an Ear Infection
Cats and dogs can sometimes develop secondary ear infections from allergies or ear mites. These ear infections, otherwise known as otitis, develop when dry, irritated skin inflames around ears to the point of bacterial infection. Ear infections in pets require diagnosis and medication to alleviate their discomfort. Signs your pet may be experiencing an ear infection:
- You notice a dark discharge in around your pet’s ear.
- They are frequently shaking their head and pawing at their ear.
- The skin in and around their ears is dry and scaly.
- Their ears are swollen, red, or otherwise inflamed.
Please call us at (224) 304-0668 or book an appointment online with any questions about our pet dermatology services or if you think your pet requires treatment for an ear infection. We want only the best for pets and their people.